Friday, February 15, 2008

Gemstone per Month

Gemstones are believed to have mystical powers. They are thought to have some connections with stars/sun-signs and bring good luck, health, prosperity, happiness to people of the respective birth sign.

Based on their linkage with signs, gemstones are allotted to particular months. Accordingly the gemstone serves his master, born in that respective month. The various gemstones that serve different sun-signs are listed in ascending order of months from January to December:
Garnet (January): Garnets are said to be a stones of purity and truth. These stones are a depiction of loyalty and constancy in friendship, a symbol of love and compassion and believed to help increase the sex drive. These stones possess the power to bring success in business, fame and popularity. They also provide protection and bring spiritual awareness.

Amethyst (February): Amethyst gets its name from the name of a beautiful Greek maiden. It is said that Goddess Diana had turned Amethyst into a crystal statue to prevent her from the brutal claws of Dionysius-God of intoxication- when he swore revenge on the next mortal passing from the path, after being insulted by a mortal. At the sight of the beautiful statue, Dionysius wept tears of wine in repentance of his action.
Ranging from pale lilac to deep purple, this stone is believed to encourage celibacy and was hence, used in ornamentation of churches in Middle Ages. Amethyst still symbolizes sobriety.

Aquamarine (March): This sparkling blue gem obtained its name from sea water. The color ranges from light to medium blue. Aquamarine is said to be the treasure of mermaids and is believed to have the power to safe guard sailors. Immersing in water is thought to strengthen its charm. It is also said that it has a soothing effect on land, particularly so for married couples, and provides protection against ruse of evil.

Diamond (April): Diamonds have got their name from the Greek word ‘Adamas’ meaning unconquerable. It suggests the eternity of love. Diamonds are the traditional symbols of love. These are the crystalline form of carbon and posses the quality of reflecting light beautifully. Since they are composed of a single element, they are considered to be the purest of all the gemstones.

Emerald (May): This grassy green gem is a variety of beryl. The dark velvety green emeralds are considered to be the most valuable than other shades. Emeralds are the gems of eternal spring with plenty of sparkle and life. They are known to give keen insights in dreams. They are believed to transmit patience to the wearer and help in meditation.

Pearl (June): The sparkling beauty of pearl strands has been cherished since ages. According to the ancient Greek belief, pearls are capable of promoting marital bliss and help in the prevention of tears to the newlywed. They are also known to eliminate emotional imbalances.

Ruby (July): Ruby’s satisfy all the hallmarks of value- rarity, durability and beauty. They are the most expensive of all gems other than the rarest red variety of diamonds. They are also harder all materials other than diamonds. It is a common belief that rubies accord wisdom, happiness and health to the wearer. They are also known for maintaining balance in love and all spiritual endeavors.

Peridot (August): Peridot, the volcanic gem, is an awesome yellow-green gem named as the Evening Emerald by the Romans as it doesn’t darken its tint in the night. It was used to decorate medieval churches. It is said to bless the wearer with success, peace and good luck and also incur strength and physical vitality. It helps create a positive outlook and alleviate spiritual fear.

Sapphire (September): Sapphire is recognized as the gem of the heaven or the divine gem. Though, the most popular varieties are the truly royal blue sapphires, they range from dark blue to bright blue, golden to reddish orange and violets as well. Sapphires symbolize sincerity and faithfulness and are known to grant spiritual enlightenment, inner peace and a means of personal expression to the wearer.

Opal (October): These beautiful, flickering gems are thought to have got their name from the Greek word “Oppalus” meaning “change in color” and later the Latin word “Opalus” meaning “precious stone” came into being. They are believed to have strong spiritual value and are thought to glow with extraordinary, positive energy. They are considered to be the omen of hope and promise the bearer protection from impurities and bad health. It is, by some, considered to be unlucky.

Topaz (November): The old Egyptian belief holds that the color of Topaz can be owed to the golden glow of the mighty Sun God, Ra, and were considered to be powerful amulets against harm. According to the Greek belief this gem possesses the power to increase strength. It is known to dispel enchantment and help improve eyesight. It blesses the wearer emotional balance, calmed passions, spiritual regeneration, released tension and a feeling of joy.

Turquoise (December): Generally, thought to have received its name from the French phrase “pierre turquoise” which means “Turkish stone”, turquoise is also sometimes believed to get the name from a Persian word “fiouze” meaning the color turquoise. The gem, in ancient times, was often included in graves for protection from evil and was recognized to attract good spirits. Turquoise is known to bring wealth and well being of the wearer and also support luck and love.
It varies in color from deep sky blue to aqua with hints of green.

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