Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Yellow Topaz

Topaz is one of the oldest known stones in the world. It is a beautiful crystal gemstone that comes in a remarkable amount of colors. While today Yellow Topaz is primarily used for ornamentation in gemstone jewelry, in the past, as well as modern times, Yellow Topaz was associated with mystical and medicinal properties.

While Yellow Topaz is the most common and least expensive Topaz color, it is extremely beautiful and its array of colors makes very gemstone jewelry facet amazingly fashionable. Yellow Topaz can come in a variety of yellow, such as a pale yellow, bright yellow, brownish yellow and greenish yellow. These awe-some yellow hues are commonly witnessed among gemstone earrings, the dangling ones, often combined with the sparkle of diamonds.

There are plenty of medicinal and mystical properties associated with Yellow Topaz, such as warding off evil and illness. It is also used to calm the mind and inspire creativity.

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