Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Sapphire – Uses and Properties

Sapphires come in different colors based on the quantity of impurities present in it. Elements such as iron, titanium & chromium contribute in shifting the hue of the mineral from transparent to a vast range of colors such as green, pink, orange, yellow, grey & blue.

It is the gemstone form of mineral called corundum but it is called a sapphire only when not red, if it is of the red variety then it is known as a ruby.


Sapphire is one of the strong & hardy minerals with melting point greater than 2000 degrees C. With 5 times the strength of glass it is quite resilient to scratches & is used in many other applications apart from being used in jewelry.

Uses of Sapphire

In jewelry industry Sapphire is a highly sought after gemstone for use in items such as rings, pendants, bracelets etc. but it is also being used in fields such as construction & electronics. As for example, the first laser ever made used a rod of synthetic ruby which is called the red cousin of sapphire.

Sapphire Jewelry

Sapphire jewelry made of naturally occurring sapphire is comparatively more expensive to jewelry made of synthetic sapphire. The cost of the jewelry also depends on other factors of the gem such as clarity, color, quality, size & cut.

The most valued form of sapphire is the blue variety & sapphire gems with cornflower blue shade are considered the most prized & valuable known as the Cornflower Blue Sapphire.

Sapphires are known as guardians of love, when exchanged with loved one, they enhance feelings for each other & have the power to banish jealousy and envy. So go ahead, gift a sparkling sapphire jewelry piece to your loved one to make him or her look special.


Unknown said...

Love the sapphires, so royal and different. From Sapphire engagement rings

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing the info!
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